
Power Flush Original Herbal Detox 7 Day Cleansing Capsules

Each box of Power Flush capsules is rated for:

  • Light to moderate users, up to 100kg in weight, with at least 14 days between their last “indiscretion” and their test. If less than 14 days, it is recommended that B-Clear liquid be used instead of Power Flush capsules.
  • Frequent, heavy users, or those over 100kg in weight, should use both the Power Flush capsules and B-Clear liquid. Someone that “partakes” three times per week, or more, is classified as a heavy user.

FYI – When taking either Power Flush capsules or Stat Flush capsules with B-Clear 1Hr Liquid, it is recommended that the Lime B-Clear be taken, as opposed to the Orange. While it’s not essential, it does tend to give a better test sample colour for most customers.

