What detox drink do I need for my toxin level?

Both B-Clear & Ultra Mask detox drinks are rated for bodyweights to 91kg (200 pounds).

If you are over 91kg it is recommended you take either the B-Clear or Ultra Mask drink and either Stat Flush or Power Flush capsules… regardless of toxin type, toxin level, or time frame.

So, if you are over 91kg you need: Drink + Capsules

If under 91kg see: Step 2. below for THC (Cannabis)… or “Other Stuff” at bottom of page if not for THC.

Figure out which of the following categories you fit into:

Heavy Smoker = Someone that smokes 3 times per week or more.

Moderate Smoker = Someone that smokes 2 times per week or less.

Light Smoker = Someone that smokes only once or twice per month.

Now see step 3. below:

3 days or less between your last smoke and your test, regardless of toxin levels or bodyweight, then you need to take the drink and capsules.

4 days or more, see below:

Heavy Smoker with 14 days or less between last smoke and test = Drink + Capsules

Heavy Smoker with 15 days or more between last smoke and test = Drink only

Moderate Smoker with 3 days or less between last smoke and test = Drink + Capsules

Moderate Smoker with 4 days or more between last smoke and test = Drink only

Light Smoker with 3 days or less between last smoke and test = Drink + Capsules

Light Smoker with 4-14 days between last smoke and test = Drink only

Light Smoker with 15 days or more between last smoke and test = Capsules only

3 days or less between your last “indiscretion” and your urine test = Drink + Capsules

4 days or more between your last “indiscretion” and your urine test = Drink only

Detox Drinks We recommend

Consumed 1hr prior to giving your sample, Ultramask effectively removes all “Toxins” from your urine for up to 5hrs!


Stat’s #1 selling product. Quick and Easy to use… You can give a test sample after just 60 minutes.


Power Flush Original Herbal Detox Capsules x1 box


STAT Daily Pretox provides an exclusive blend of herbal nutrients to support the body during the detoxification process.


Power Flush Original Herbal Detox 7 Day Capsules
