What detox drink do I need for my toxin level?
Both B-Clear & Ultra Mask detox drinks are rated for bodyweights to 91kg (200 pounds).
If you are over 91kg it is recommended you take either the B-Clear or Ultra Mask drink and either Stat Flush or Power Flush capsules… regardless of toxin type, toxin level, or time frame.
So, if you are over 91kg you need: Drink + Capsules
If under 91kg see: Step 2. below for THC (Cannabis)… or “Other Stuff” at bottom of page if not for THC.
Figure out which of the following categories you fit into:
Heavy Smoker = Someone that smokes 3 times per week or more.
Moderate Smoker = Someone that smokes 2 times per week or less.
Light Smoker = Someone that smokes only once or twice per month.
Now see step 3. below:
3 days or less between your last smoke and your test, regardless of toxin levels or bodyweight, then you need to take the drink and capsules.
4 days or more, see below:
Heavy Smoker with 14 days or less between last smoke and test = Drink + Capsules
Heavy Smoker with 15 days or more between last smoke and test = Drink only
Moderate Smoker with 3 days or less between last smoke and test = Drink + Capsules
Moderate Smoker with 4 days or more between last smoke and test = Drink only
Light Smoker with 3 days or less between last smoke and test = Drink + Capsules
Light Smoker with 4-14 days between last smoke and test = Drink only
Light Smoker with 15 days or more between last smoke and test = Capsules only
3 days or less between your last “indiscretion” and your urine test = Drink + Capsules
4 days or more between your last “indiscretion” and your urine test = Drink only